Your Stories

Personal stories are one of the best ways to connect with others on a human level. You may see your listener’s eyes glaze over when you recite facts or data. If you want to generate interest and excitement, tell a story.

If you can tell a 20-second story about what makes you or your product different from the competition, or relay a recent story about how your products or services addressed another client or customer’s pain, you are more likely to be remembered.

Good stories stick with people far longer than data or facts. You want your target to remember you long after your introduction has ended – when it’s time for the client or customer to purchase goods or services.

In this day and age, we are drowning in data. People don’t want more data – they want human connections. They want to know who they can trust. A personal story can touch the hearts and minds of your listeners. Stories create connections that mere data cannot begin to forge.

Let your personality shine through in your sixty second introduction. Tell a story!

Mary Carol Holbert, Director / Trainer